Do You Want To Be Set FreeBy The Blood and Power of Jesus?

You can know what it is to be forgiven of all of your sins and to walk in the freedom of knowing that you have a Savior who died for every addiction that you have ever struggled with—He wants you to surrender your heart and life to Him so that you can live in freedom from addiction forever!
All you have to do is pray a “sincere” prayer and ask Him to forgive you of your sins and to come into your heart (and life) and be your Savior and He will! If you prayed and accepted Him, ask Him to begin to be the Lord of your life and to lead your steps, believe that He will and watch what God Almighty will do in your “Newly Created Life In Christ”!!!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

"Just Get With The Program"...Why programs don't work!

     I scrambled hurriedly into what seemed like an abandoned hallway or wing of the hospital where the CO-DA meetings my daughter and I had been court ordered to attend were being held. I’m chronically late so I was just trying to get there before we were noticeably late. CO-DA stands for co-dependents anonymous and as my daughter and I sat down next to each other, we began to listen as the people announced who they were and “what” they were. My heart sank as each person took turns...”I’m so and so and I’m an ‘addict’ “, “I’m so and so and I’m an ‘alcoholic’ ”,  “I’m so and so and I’m ‘co-dependent’ on men”, “I’m so and so and I almost could not wait for this ‘meeting’ tonight”, “I’m so and so and I just got my 13 years ‘sober badge’.“ 

      Listen, 13 years sober is absolutely something to celebrate, but I have known people to be clean and sober for 30 years and fall back into the trap of addiction and if after 13 years you are still tied, tethered or bound to some kind of meetings PLEASE let them be meetings at the House of God learning how you can be set free from being an”------”.
     If my memory serves me I don’t think we ever went back to another CO-DA meeting and if we did it was only once.  Someone or “Something” made it possible that what was court ordered meetings we ended up not having to do.
     If we have to keep chasing a “lifestyle” or mantra to stop chasing our addictions then let it be the lifestyle and mantra of Jesus Christ who says “I have come to set the captive free.”, He didn’t just say it, He means it!  
     The addict’s anonymous meetings started out to be a great idea, but really if we can’t give credit for our sobriety to God Almighty do we really think we can find our strength in “God as we understand Him to be”? WHAT?  We better understand God as the Sovereign God that He is, and it won’t work to surrender everything to your higher power, unless you know Him to be The Highest Power!!! Think about how foolish all of this is...”maybe today”, says the ‘recovering’ addict, “is the day I am weak and WANT to drink or use drugs, maybe today I only understand God to be able to help me in the past, but not today, today I am weak and I don’t know or understand Him as a God who SET ME FREE, so I think I’ll have a drink and get back to ‘recovering’ tomorrow.”  Yes, if we do this we will always be addicted, but we DON’T have to be.
     This is nothing more than an excuse to relapse because after all you are only a recovering addict... always and forever recovering! That means that you ultimately become addicted to “meetings”, “sponsors”, this “higher power”, and some “god as you understand him” or it to be! WHAT??? This is not freedom, but in fact, “bondage”!  Galatians 5:1 (NKJV) tells us to “Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.” Don’t become entangled and in bondage to meetings, mantras or programs!

    This is why Jesus said that He came to set the captive free, because, He is the only One who can set us free. He doesn’t want us to fill the void of our addictions with meetings, lies of never being free and always in a state of “recovery”—that’s not hope, that’s false hope and it won't last.  If you want freedom, you never have to entertain those things of your past again, unless you are “called” to help others after you have been set free, and then the thoughts of the past will be to tell the story of how our Great God set you free and how He can and will do it for others too.

     Too  often  in the actual meetings of these programs there is a lot of time spent hashing over the things of the past until it becomes a sort of glamorizing of these old behaviors and the next thing you know someone can’t wait to leave the meeting and go feed the craving they just spent an hour talking about.

    For anyone who is offended by what I am saying and it is because you have indeed found a way for a “program” other than God’s Program to work for you, then, I am sorry. I will say this, I don’t think it will last, in the sense that these meetings cannot fill you up with a fullness that comes from a living and powerful God, and eventually you will find yourself “wanting” more, and when that time comes please reach out to Him, the One and only thing that can finally once and for all fill you up and set you free! It might not be for 13 years, but you will not sustain freedom from addiction by becoming addicted to meetings, programs or by chanting a “one day at a time” mantra.

     If you replace those empty places inside of you with the One and Only Living God you will not spend the rest of your life claiming to be recovering from an addiction, you will be set free from any and all addictions that torment you forever. You will not be putting your faith, hope and future in the hands of some unknown entity you might know as God. Our Great God will set you free by and through the blood of His Son Jesus Christ and you will be set free indeed!

    You truly have to want to be free, as I said, some people want to become dependent on meetings and mantras, etc., but if you are serious and you ask God Almighty the One powerful enough to set you forever free, to show you that He can set you free, and you begin to seek Him and His ways He will NOT fail you!
    You will forever crave something more if you don’t fill yourself with God and the reason for this is that you were created by Him and for Him, your spirit and His Spirit long for each other. The bible tells us this in Romans 8:16 “The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God.” (NKJV) A sort of homing device, if you will, that God put inside of us--that  our spirit knows we belong to Father God! The Message says it like this, “God’s Spirit touches our spirits and confirms who we really are. We know who he is, and we know who we are: Father and children.”
    I strongly believe that we can never be completely free from addictions until and unless we fill the “longing” in us with God and I also believe that is why people have become bound in addiction in the first place. They have not yet filled the part of them that is “longing”, “wanting”, “needing” more than this world has to offer, they haven’t been filled with the fullness of God Almighty, and they have not understood the real and specific reason for the journey of their life. 

    My heart breaks for people who spend a ton of money while time and time again checking into rehab centers in hopes that this time it will finally work. Even celebrities and the very wealthy are always and forever checking into high-end facilities, getting better for a while and then relapsing. Why? They need Jesus to set them free! Their money isn’t fulfilling them, their lifestyle isn’t fulfilling them, nothing but the Spirit of God can fulfill them.

    God has great and glorious things in store for us (Jeremiah 29:11) and spending the rest of our lives here on this earth recovering from an addiction is not one of the great things God has planned for us. He has plans to use us to further His Kingdom and to lead people to Him and show them with our lives how He can and will set them free!

     There are no meetings, badges or programs this world can offer us that will fill us enough that we will never need another addiction---only God is enough.

    This is why I am always saying that God is the ultimate addiction, because, if I am forever going to be addicted to something or someone then by all means let it be GOD ALMIGHTY and may I NEVER recover from this addiction to My Savior!


  1. Amen. What you said is so true.
    I was feeling empty in my life. That is why I eventually turned to reading pornographic material (and almost continued to watching pornography). I tried a program and some self-imposed restrictions to break out of it.
    In the end, the only way I could break out was by truly admitting to God that I needed His help. That I could not rely on myself.
    That was two months ago. By His grace and strength, I haven't touched that material since.
    Thank you for posting this; it's an important one.

    1. You're welcome, Joanna. Praise God for your deliverance and freedom! God is so faithful and He will continue to strengthen you and walk with you---you are never alone! I will lift you up to Him in my prayers. God bless you. ~


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