"I’ll always love you and I’ll never leave you.” He said it and
yes I had heard it before, but this time it would be different, this time I
knew it would somehow be different. I don’t know why I thought for a second
that anything would be different, after all, everything was happening just as it usually
did. Why did I think
something was going to be different?
Nothing changes unless something
I have taken longer to post than usual and I am sorry for that. God has
been guiding and leading me about what to write and share and it is going to
get more personal so I had to really seek Him about specifically what to share
and how to talk about such “tender” issues.
My heart is to share and not only in doing so continue to
heal wounds and scars of my own past, but also to hopefully, maybe, touch
another’s life and help them find some hope through my story.
I have said a few times in past articles that people can be addicted to
people—the secular world and the addiction “specialists” call it codependency.
Whatever you want to call it, it is an unnatural desire for another person to
the point that it becomes interruptive to one’s ability to function, thrive and
“I’ll always love you and I’ll never leave you.” He said it and yes I
had heard it before, but this time it would be different this time I knew it
would somehow be different. I don’t know why I thought for a second that
anything would be different, after all, everything was happening just as it
usually did. Why did I think something was going to be different?
He had come into my life talking tales of love and happiness as though
they were something he knew anything about. And I hungered and thirsted for
something, someone, enough to believe what he was telling me. The word tales
here has a double meaning which fits what I’m referring to—a tale is an account
or description of something (the great life he was promising), and a tale is a
little fib or lie (the not so great truth that he wasn’t promising). Over the years this would come to be my
story and it would not be specific to any one man, but in fact a few men.
I must say at this point I was not addicted to sex; however, when you
have self-esteem issues as a young woman who didn’t have many or you had
lacking or nonexistent healthy relationships with men you will begin to get
your identity in sexual relationships in hopes that someday one of them will
finally “notice” YOU and subsequently fall madly in love with you. In reality
it doesn’t work like that—instead the more you give intimately of yourself the
more your self-esteem is shredded to pieces. There is nothing more damaging to
your self than to have given your most intimate parts to someone only to have them
not want you anymore—ouch! That is pain that goes deep. I know. This is how
damaging it is, the bible tells us in 1 Corinthians 6: 18 (NKJV), “Flee sexual
immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits
sexual immorality sins against his own body.” It is damaging to the very core
of who we are.
I spent most of my young adult life being addicted, codependent or
unusually, abnormally attached to men. Not necessarily any specific man, I mean,
if any certain one stayed around long enough to make the unusual attachment
more intense and “love like” to me then I would think, feel, or surmise that yes indeed he loves me and he might be one that was a little more difficult
to get over when the time for leaving me came, but that is the only specifics
about it. And of course, there was never any doubt that it was love that I was
experiencing even though I really had no idea what love even was.
I am sort of like the Samaritan woman at the well. Read the (true) story
in John 4:7-29. I have been married four times. I was married the first time
when I was only fourteen years old and I was honestly only in love with one
of my husbands. Even that love, I would come to find out 5 years later, was
not the kind of love I needed and I finally realized I didn’t want it either.
I was on my fourth marriage and I was just figuring out a man can’t make
me happy and this guy loves me the best way he knows how, it just isn’t enough
for me.
If we have never fully known love we will
look for it almost anywhere, yes, sometimes even where we have already looked
and not found it. And we will think and feel that emotions are somehow
connected to real, true love. Yes, we can and should have emotional feelings
for people we love and care about, but having feelings for someone does not
mean we love them and it certainly does not mean they love us!
I didn’t want this to be a lesson on love because everyone is an expert
and really no one knows what they are talking about, unless they are talking
about God’s love. God’s love is agape love which means it is unconditional
love, there are no strings attached to it and you don’t have to pay a price for
The world’s idea of love or the love that our flesh is familiar with is
a love that always costs someone something. It is painful in its very nature
and we only think or feel that someone loves us if we hurt either when we have
it (love), or if we suddenly don’t. Codependent people become so familiar with
the abuse and or neglect from others that when they don’t have it they feel as though they can’t go on. They “feel” unloved.
Love is not a feeling. We have all heard this a million times, but
people who have never known God’s agape love and who are codependent don’t seem
to be able to separate the two.
Even though I finally got over my thing of needing a man in my life, it
wasn’t until I let God be the thing I needed that I finally felt fulfilled. He
is the only man I need in my life and I have been set free from getting my
identity and sense of worth through a mere man.
Isaiah 54:5-6 (NIV) “For your Maker is your husband—the Lord Almighty is His name...The Lord will call you back as if you were a wife deserted and
distressed in spirit—a wife married young, only to be rejected.” I have clung
to these scriptures because they are my story. I was married young, rejected
and abandoned by so many men who said to me, “I’ll always love you and I’ll
never leave you.” Jesus is the only one who can say that statement to us and
mean it! He is the only one who cannot (if we have accepted Him as Savior) ever
leave us and if He went to His death so we could have life—He really, truly, with
no strings attached—loves us. Think about that for a minute, before He knew we
would accept Him, He still died for us, and He knew that some would never
accept Him yet He died for them also. I
believe that qualifies as real love.
I began in my life to let My Savior “court” me, and in turn, I am
courting Him. Yes, guess who I finally “let” fall madly in love with me? My
Savior, the lover of my soul. I talk to
Him like I would a husband, and I talk to Him like a close friend, because He
is. I tell Him everything and if I get too lonely I ask Him to bring healthy
people into my life and He does. Jesus is my everything and my all!
I have been happily and joyfully in a committed relationship with Jesus
Christ for years now, and I have never been happier. I have been single
and without a man of many tales for over 10 years now, and I am truly blessed.
The wonderful thing is that I can take what I have learned and am still
learning about my relationship with Jesus and make it the center of any and all
of my relationships and they will be better because of it.
Jesus longs to know me and I long to know Him. If I miss a day of prayer
with Him I truly miss Him, and feel lonely for Him! I can’t wait to get my
heart connected with His and it is a relationship I treasure and want to
nurture and have grow. His words are “love letters” to me and I read it as
such. His word teaches me about His Ways and His Heart and guides me on how to
open up my heart and my ways to Him—just the way a healthy, vibrant
relationship should be.
Those of you who find yourself in relationship after relationship and
you can’t seem to ever find love—STOP looking, let it find you! Jesus said,
“Behold, I stand at the door and knock...” Revelation 3: 20 (NKJV), let Him be
the love of your life, and you will finally know happiness.
