Sometimes when we first start out living
this new life in Christ we can tend to feel lonely as we give up the ways and
people of our past; especially, if we have not yet made new Christian friends.
But God’s word tells us that we have a friend in Jesus, He is a friend who
sticks closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24) and we can count on Him—always.
Also God’s word says, “God sets the lonely in families…” Psalm 68:6 (NIV). Even
if you are single or living alone you are never really alone because you are
now a member of God’s family so you now have many brothers and sisters.
When studying God’s word remember that all
of the accounts and stories in the bible are true and actually happened unless
Jesus was speaking in parables which He did to His disciples and the multitudes
that followed Him to help explain something they might not otherwise
understand. So when we read the story of Abraham and how he trusted and obeyed
God we can see in scriptures of the Old and New Testament that God considered
and even called Abraham His friend! James 2:23 (NKJV) “And the scripture was
fulfilled which says ‘Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for
righteousness.’ And he was called the friend of God.” Also in Isaiah 41:8 (NIV)
it says, “But you, Israel, my servant, Jacob, whom I have chosen, you
descendants of Abraham my friend.” The promises and privileges of Abraham are also for us today. Wow! I don’t know
about you but if I have God Almighty as my friend then how can I possibly be
God and His family are new to you then you might be thinking how can God be my
friend when He is my Creator and my God? Here is the truth—God is many things
to us who live for and serve Him and I encourage you to read and study His word
and you will discover that for yourself. To those who know God well this is a
truth in our life and we understand, embrace and proclaim it to others. God is
everything to us!
He is also our friend and we can turn to
Him for friendship and companionship and we can know that He is always going to
be there, not like the friends we’ve had in the world and in the past, but a
friend who doesn’t skip out when things get rough or are not going just the way
they want them to. Isn’t that what true friends do? Don’t they hang in there
when everyone else has fled? Aren’t true friends the ones who we call upon
during the worse possible times? Friends who are good and close friends don’t
abandon us because we have been moody or less than pleasant and they are
forgiving when we ask for forgiveness but don’t deserve it. Good friends don’t
constantly find and dwell on our faults while never seeing the best in us. We
all have some good in us, now that God has put His goodness in us, and a friend
will look and FIND our rights not our wrongs and they will let us know that on
a regular basis.

I think that might be how or why that old cliche' got started, “with friends like that who needs enemies?” It’s true
though, and it is heart wrenching when you think you have a friend and you find
out in the middle of a crisis that this person you viewed as such a good and
close friend has nothing to offer you. They can’t offer you comfort the way God
can, His word says in 2 Corinthians 1:3 (NKJV) He is the ”… God of all comfort.”
He can and will comfort you the way you wanted your worldly friends to but they
didn’t and couldn’t because they didn’t know Him.
These so called friends ditched you when
you needed them the most and they didn't care that you not only needed them but
that you were devastated by their abandonment. Friends of addiction will turn on you when
you were so sure they never would and they will also turn the wrong done to you
into an infraction against them. Yes, when you needed someone the most they not
only fled but also turned others against you. Does any of this sound or seem
familiar? If you have lived in the world of addiction I know this is so
familiar to you that it probably even brings up some of that old pain and hurt.
Only dwell on the pain long enough to remind yourself that you don’t want the
friendship that the world of addiction offers because it is not true friendship
and there is no sense in missing any of that or those people—it didn’t and
won’t last, and now you can say thank God for that!
It is a matter of letting even the meaning
of friendship become newly created in your heart and life.

The other really great thing about God’s
family is when you begin to pursue friendships in the body of Christ you can
know that your friends in Christ will literally be the best friends you have
ever had. They are friends who will be there for you, and support you, and help
you, and instead of turn on you they will pray for you. Now don’t get me wrong
people are people so I am not saying you will never again be hurt by people but
what I am saying is that your closest friend Jesus and God the Father will lead
you into good, safe and healthy Christian friendships if you ask and are
obedient to what and who God directs you to.
When you are feeling lonely and you haven’t
yet made some good Christian friends just talk to God, thank Him that He was a
friend of Abraham and He is also a friend of yours. Thank Him that His word and
the promises in His word are for you right now, today. Jesus is your friend,
the one who sticks closer than a brother so talk to Him as such and tell Him
that you want to make and have new friends in the family of God and I assure
you that He will bring them into your life and you can learn how to not only
have, but also be, a real true friend because now your best friend is God.
There is no better friend in the secular world or the Christian world so trust
Him and He will bring many new and “true” friends into your life.
Hallelujah, we are friends of God!
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