God’s ways are not our ways, but now that
we are new creations in Him we are learning His ways and we are learning to
follow His ways because we now know they are best for us and we now trust our
life, our sobriety and our freedom from addiction to Him.
We cannot maintain our
freedom from addictions without Jesus as the center of our new life. We need
all the help we can get from Him and there is unlimited help, we just need to
tap into it every day all day long.
I read or heard
once from Joyce Meyer Ministries that even a godly thought directed toward God
is considered prayer in the heart of God—I just love that and I firmly believe
it. God already knows our hearts inside and out, and He even knows our heart better than we do, so if we are
directing our thoughts and desires toward Him and His kingdom we will be in
constant communication or communion with Him. If we are in communion with Him
we can have the constant help we need to stay free from the things that will
harm us and keep us from our Savior.
Remember, you are
not just working on sobriety; you are building your testimony. I consider it
your story of how you and God came to be and the path you are now taking once
He turned you to the “light” direction. God is an amazing God who uses us in ways that
we may never even know or understand. You are now a child of God and He has plans
for you and it is to use what you have gone through so don’t lose hope when you
are feeling like your life has no purpose. Your life now has God Almighty’s
Purpose, and He is just preparing you for what is to come and you want to be
ready as He brings this new purpose into your life.
When He says His
ways are not our ways He means it (Isaiah 55: 8-9), but He isn’t some sort of
unapproachable God who tells us His ways are different and higher and His
thoughts are different and higher. He tells us this so that we don’t try to
trust our own ways as they are futile when it comes to His ways. Besides,
haven’t we proven that, by trusting our own ways to the point of our own
He does tell us that we can reason or talk
with Him and Him with us, “Come now, and let us reason together,” says the
Lord, “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow…”
Isaiah1:18 (NKJV). God wants us to know that we can go to Him about anything
and everything in our life, and He wants us to know we can trust Him with
Let’s talk about
trust as it relates to the past and now your new life in Christ.
When you lived in the mire of addiction you
kept trusting in and counting on your so called “friends”, but addicts don’t
have friends they have addiction companions—because misery loves company—and
that’s it! There is no such thing as trust in that world and anyone who has lived
in it knows that I’m speaking truth.
BUT GOD, came into
your life and now you can really know what it is to embrace trust for once in
your life. You can trust the one who is a friend like you’ve never had before.
He tells us in Proverbs 18:24 both the NKJV and the NIV version are impactful
and relevant to what we’re talking about: NKJV, “A man who has friends must
himself be friendly, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.”
And in the NIV, “One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there
is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” His word even says in Micah 7:5 (NIV), “Do not
trust a neighbor; put no confidence in a friend. Even with the woman who lies
in your embrace guard the words of your lips.” He is not the kind of friend who says “I will
be there, I promise”, but then they are nowhere to be found when you really
need them! No, He never leaves or forsakes us and He doesn’t just say it, He
means it!

I used to think that God was not very patient and of course
not very compassionate either, but His word tells us otherwise and now that I
am pursuing an intimate relationship with Him I know His word and His ways
enough to know that God is kind and very compassionate and loves to deal with
us in that way.
“…Because His
compassions fail not…they are new every morning...” and, “The Lord is good to
those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him.” And there are more supporting scriptures—some
of them can be found in: Lamentations 3: 22, 23, 25, 32, and 33 (NKJV).
We can trust Jesus as our true friend and God
the Father as our loving Father, not like some father’s in the world who might
have been absent, abusive and or neglectful.
God the Father
wants us to know that He loves us and because of that love He will correct and
chasten us, just as any loving father would. He is The- Father- of- all-
father’s and He never means us harm, and He can only correct us toward what is
good and right for us. Our Father in heaven can never lead us wrong or astray
and He will never inflict undue or unnecessary pain or harm on us, He just
won’t, it is NOT His nature.
Remember we talked
before about not licking our wounds and not catering to our pain, but instead
let God cater to it. Let’s look at some of the ways He does this—first of all
we have the privilege of casting all our care upon Him, His word tells us this
in 1 Peter 5:7 and Psalm 55:22, God wants us to cast our cares upon Him and let
Him bring about the answers to the situations we face each day. This includes
giving us strength when we need it to overcome temptation and stand strong in this
new freedom from addiction.
He cares for us in our hurting and pain, it
matters so much to Him that His word tells us that He not only hears and
answers our prayers, but our prayers are saved up in heaven, “…the four living
creatures and the twenty-four elders…each one had a harp and they were holding
golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of God’s people”,
Revelation 5:8 (NIV). God also saves the tears we cry, “You number my
wanderings; put my tears into Your bottle; are they not in Your book?” Psalm 56:8
(NKJV). In Psalm 4:8, He keeps us safe
when we sleep at night and He gives us His peace.
When we speak of His peace there is nothing to
compare it to—by that I mean it isn’t earthly so nothing on earth can compare
to it. But He does tell us this about
His peace, John 14:27 New Life Version says this, (“Jesus Gives His Followers
Peace”) “Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. I do not give peace to
you as the world gives...” He even
suffered physical pain for our peace as it tells us in Isaiah 53:5. Also, in Philippians
4:7 Paul tells us that God’s peace surpasses all understanding, and all through
His word He is referred to as the God of Peace!
This is not the kind of peace that we have
ever experienced before and we should cherish it as such. Hold on to His peace
and never let it go. Let His peace keep you and strengthen you during tempting
times, during trying times, during those times when you know you will make it,
but those around you aren’t quite convinced yet and because of that you are
feeling discouraged.
With the peace of
God our Father and His own peace Jesus gave us, we are completely equipped and
prepared to journey with Jesus down this path of no more addictions. We are now
in pursuit of His plan for our life and that is a completely new path, it has
twists and turns that we are not used to. But we can get used to it and that’s
what this new journey is all about—learning His ways. Don’t give up, soon
enough those who weren’t quite convinced that you are a new creation will be
completely and thoroughly in awe of what our Great God has done in you and they
are going to want it too! So keep going
because there is joy to come and a harvest to reap and a brand new life to
live—and Jesus is the closest, stick it out when things get tough friend, you
have ever had or ever will have.
Trust and follow His
ways and they will take you down the path that leads to Him and His eternal
purpose and the place that is being prepared for you in heaven.
Encouraging and beautiful. God's words is everything:)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your kind comment. I'm glad it blessed you. ~
ReplyDeleteAmen. God’s ways are truly not our ways. You have summed up beautifully what God expects of us. We are new creations and we are learning his ways so that they become our ways as well. The same applies to his thoughts, they become our thoughts. This is what God expects of us. And as we come to realize his ways and his thoughts, we find that they are the best for us. Thank you for sharing this message.
Praise God! I am glad the article blessed you.~